Hooray for International Beer Day!

I was never much for a beer on the weekends. My ‘brothers’ in chefs’ clothing taught me to drink whisky and I never saw the point in drinking beer after I’d reached the happy boozy level. I avoided it for the same reason I avoid soda; the carbonation stings my throat something awful.

Fast-forward five years and I still don’t much like beer (or soda), but in honor of International Beer Day, I’ve discovered a few delicious ways to celebrate it without having to partake of the bubbly.

International Beer Day

Let’s kick it off with starters: These sinfully crunchy onion rings coated with beer batter, paired with some delicately steamed shellfish. How are they steamed, you ask? Why, with beer!

There’s nothing better than hot soup on a cold day, and our stormy weather here in the Philippines gives us multiple excuses to break out the soup bowls. If you prefer a more filling potato base, grab your favorite ale and boil up this version of beer cheese soup. There’s also another take on chicken soup that I’d like to try. Chicken + Cheese + Beer sounds like the sort of thing that greets the porcelain throne after a long hard night of drinking, but eeehhh why not?

And now for the ‘meat’ of this post!

Long, slow cooking isn’t really an option for us now that gas prices are high, but I like the premise of this yummy chicken chili. I wonder what kind of beer would go well with it?

Guinness seems to be the best beer for beginners to brew cooking. Check out these ribs, marinated in rich dark stout overnight and grilled to perfection.

One of my guilty pleasures is deep-fried cauliflower dipped in tahini. I’ve found a recipe that gives me a healthier alternative with half-simmered, half-baked cauliflower with some tangy flavors. Big plus: it comes in a taco shell!

I’ve saved the yummiest main course for last: Chicken in Honey Beer Sauce. I’m a sucker for honey-flavored anything, and I imagine a Guinness or another creamy rich beer would absolutely make this.

I long for an ice cream on a daily basis. Our tropical heat is to blame (or so I like to say), and the urge doesn’t lessen when I see gorgeous recipes like Beer-flavored ice cream with Chocolate-covered pretzels. I mean, come on, what’s a girl to do against temptation like that?!

And finally, if you have a sweet tooth, the perfect way to end International Beer Day is with these Guinness-flavored cupcakes. If I had a working oven, I’d bang these out without a care for my waistline.


Have I whetted your appetite? Do you think you’ll be following one of these recipes this month? Tell me all about it in the comments below!

Drop a line, tell me what you think!